5 top fashion trends for spring 

The nights are getting lighter, the weather’s getting warmer and the clocks are moving forward this weekend. This can only mean one thing … Spring 2016 has officially begun.

I personally love fashion in Spring. It’s an exciting time as the industry prepares itself for summer, providing us all with sneaky peaks into what’s going to be on trend for beach holidays and beer gardens.

So what’s going to be on trend this spring? Here are my top 5 looks for the season:

  1. Orange: it’s bold, bright and fast becoming the colour of the season. It’s been used on the catwalk in Dior collections in a variety of shades. I know it can be a bit in your face but I plan on embracing this colour for spring.
  2. Suede: It looks like this 70s style inspired fabric is going to make a massive comeback this season. I personally won’t wear a lot of this at once but I think mixing it in with an outfit will look really good!
  3. Stripes: I think stripes can look very flattering and classy when worn in the right way. I personally don’t suit horizontal stripes because they make me look bigger than I am but I love subtle vertical ones. Deckchair stripes are my favourite.
  4. Ruffles: the Victorian look is making a major comeback – not only have this featured in fashion weeks but Marks & Spencer’s has recently launched a collection focusing on it. Definitely one to keep an eye on!
  5. White shirts: All of the fashion weeks that have recently taken place have featured white shirts. They look good with jeans, skirts and trousers and can be worn for work, out on evenings and causally during the day. This is going to be a big look this season.

These trends are just some of my favourite looks for the season, there are so many more to look out for so keep your eyes peeled!

Happy shopping!

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